Monday, May 3, 2010

Has Coffey already been Impeached?

Dan Coffey was on top of the world just a few short months ago. He was holding well attended Town Hall meetings and even started a Blog to reach out to his constituents. He soon became tired of his blogging duties.

He believed that he had found an issue that he could get behind and enjoy the love and admiration of all of the citizens of New Albany.


How quickly he has fallen!

While keeping the rates (artificially) low is a noble deed, the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few, (or the one). The majority on the council have realized this and voted to raise the rates to a level that will allow for the Sewer Department to continue making the improvements in needs so that we can correct some of the problems that have plagued this city for decades.

Our man Dan was also defeated in a couple of major moves that he opposed the hiring of a full time lawyer for the city council and also a grant writer.

These major progressive (not a dirty word) plans have diminished his political prowess in my eyes, rendering him politically impotent.